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终于知道“wepoker透视软件最新详细可以作弊辅助袁洁莹 三级

   日期:2023-08-24     浏览:42    评论:0    
核心提示:终于知道“wepoker透视软件最新详细可以作弊辅助 1月22日消息,来自外媒消息,美国券商Cowen & Company的看穿师蒂莫西·阿库里(Timothy Arcuri)相信新一代iPhon

终于知道“wepoker透视软件最新详细可以作弊辅助 1月22日消息,来自外媒消息,美国券商Cowen & Company的看穿师蒂莫西·阿库里(Timothy Arcuri)相信新一代iPhone将引爆苹果股票上涨,阿库里周一将苹果股票目标价上调至155美元,原因是苹果将在今年晚些时候发布iPhone 8。首先声明:在我们公司购买的任何黑软件帮助器,装后达不到客户们的要求或是安装不了的情况下,24小时内都可以联系我们客服全额退款,做生意讲究的是诚信!!

  • 1、穆迪回应裁员:正调整全球人员布局,在中国仍有较大规模运营
  • 3、油气开采及服务板块午后回暖 贝肯能源涨超4%

  原标题:独家 | 穆迪回应裁员:正调整全球人员布局,在中国仍有较大规模运营

  近日,一则关于穆迪在中国裁员的消息在市场上流传,称“穆迪咨询退出中国,今天炒了全部sh bi sz office……”。对此,穆迪回应第一财经记者称:“正如我们在最近财报电话会议上宣布的决定,穆迪根据当前和预期未来的经济环境,现正采取措施调整全球人员布局。穆迪仍在中国有较大规模的运营,并会继续为中国的可持续增长及中国国内市场的进一步发展作出积极贡献。”



Ecovacs released its 2022 “Double 11” sales, reporting omnichannel turnover of Rmb3.72bn (+24% YoY) during the annual Nov 11 (dubbed 11.11 or Double 11) shopping festival. Against the background of a sluggish domestic consumption environment, its Ecovacs and Tineco brands both maintained their growth trend. At the same time, this year’s Double 11 shopping festival again validated the Company's leading position in the floor-cleaning appliance industry. We keep our 2022E/23E/24E attributed net profit (ANP) forecast unchanged at Rmb1.97bn/2.56bn/3.23bn and reiterate the "BUY" rating. Double 11 turnover of the Ecovacs brand was Rmb1.8bn (+20% YoY). (1) Competition: During the Double 11 shopping festival in 2022, Ecovacs again topped other brands of robot vacuum cleaners on five major platforms, such as Tmall/JD/Douyin (Tiktok), with a market share of more than 45%. (2) Products: The main product T10 OMNI, which started to sell at a lower price of Rmb3,500-4,000 in 3Q22, is very cost-effective, and its Double 11 turnover ranked first. In terms of high-end products, X1 PRO OMNI ranked first by market share in the price band of above Rmb5,000. The Company's competitive pricing strategy is beginning to make progress. The sales of its robot vacuum cleaners with base stations increased 49% YoY. (3) New products: AIRBOT, an air purification robot, once again became the top product among all brands in the price band of above Rmb3,000, and WINBOT, a window cleaning robot, also maintained the top market share. At the end of Oct, the Ecovacs brand launched a robotic lawn mower and a commercial cleaning robot, further enriching the product line of the robot business. Double 11 turnover of the Tineco brand was Rmb1.83bn (+26% YoY). (1) Competition: Although the competition in the wet and dry vacuum cleaner industry was fierce this year, the leading position of the Tineco brand remains unshaken. Tineco’s wet and dry vacuum cleaners again ranked No. 1 during the Double 11 promotions on five major platforms, such as Tmall/JD/Douyin (Tiktok), with a market share of 59%/65%/45% on Tmall/JD/Douyin (Tiktok), respectively. In terms of offline channels, Tineco's leading advantage is even more obvious. During the latest Double 11 shopping festival, Tineco's offline stores recorded turnover of Rmb250mn. (2) Products: During the Double 11 period, Tineco's wet and dry vacuum cleaner turnover increased 28% YoY. Floor One 2.0 series ranked first in terms of turnover of a single product. In addition, the Company launched Floor One Station, a floor cleaner with a base station, which is also highly recognized by the market, and its sales volume exceeded 10,000 units. (3) New products: Tineco is actively building its next potential best-selling products this year. During the Double 11 period, the turnover of its smart cooking machine Chiere One increased 98% YoY, and the turnover of this year's new product Hydrate One increased 66% compared with that during the 6.18 shopping festival in Jun. Outlook: An inflection point in sales volume is coming to warrant a breakthrough in penetration with the competitive pricing strategy. (1) From the short-term perspective: The Company's Double 11 data revealed marginal changes in the sales of robot vacuum cleaners. Since 2020, due to the accelerated pace of technology iteration, the price of high-end robot vacuum cleaners also continued to rise, which to a certain extent inhibited the growth of industry-wide sales. Since 3Q22, Ecovacs has strategically guided the industry to start reducing prices to achieve a breakthrough in sales volume. As seen from the 2022 Double 11 data, the strategy has achieved initial results. Combined with the trend of consumption recovery after the relaxation of pandemic control measures, we expect the Company's sales to get back on track for growth next year. (2) From the long-term perspective: We expect that the floor cleaning business will gradually embrace the trend of electrification and intelligence, and the combination of robot vacuum cleaners and wet and dry vacuum cleaners will gradually replace the traditional combination of brooms and mops. At present, the penetration rate of robot vacuum cleaners and wet and dry vacuum cleaners in domestic urban households falls below 15% on the whole, and if we only count robot vacuum cleaners with base stations and intelligent wet and dry vacuum cleaners, the penetration rate is less than 10%. The long-term growth space of the industry is still broad. Potential risks: (1) The Company's revenue growth is lower than expected due to Covid-19 resurgences in parts of China and dampened consumer demand because of the recession in Europe and the US; (2) the Company's profitability declines due to increased competition in the industry; (3) the Company fails to sustain innovation. Investment recommendation Against the background of a sluggish domestic consumption environment, the Company’s Ecovacs and Tineco brands both maintained their growth trend during the Double 11 shopping festival, which again validated the Company's leading position in the floor cleaning appliance industry. We maintain our 2022E/23E/24E ANP forecast of Rmb1.97bn/2.56bn/3.23bn and reiterate the "BUY" rating.【免责声明】本文仅代表第三方观点,不代表和讯网立场。投资者据此操作,风险请自担。(责任编辑:王丹 )


油气开采及服务板块午后回暖 贝肯能源涨超4%


石油输出国组织(OPEC)预计,本季度全球石油市场将陷入供应过剩,同时下调需求前景,上调非OPEC供应预估。根据OPEC的最新月度报告,其将第三季度原油产量预测下调124万桶/天,至2,827万桶/天。这比OPEC 13个成员国7月的产量低了约57万桶/天。OPEC位于维也纳的研究部门将本季度全球原油需求预期下调72万桶/天,同时上调非OPEC供应预期52万桶/天。预计本季度原油消费均值为9993万桶/天。

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